
Reach millions of buyers, renters, and sellers right where they are

Join thousands of eXp realtors already using Flow to automatically turns their property listings and agent profiles into professional ads displayed across Facebook and Instagram, reaching millions of people daily.

Log in* Activate Flow in your region*available to Okta users in active regions

Works with your Okta login and REP

How it works

Your listings and agent profile

Automatically turned into professional ads

Published to Facebook and Instagram

Trusted by leading realtors in eXp regions worldwide




South Africa



Puerto Rico








Dominican Republic


New Zealand


Activate Flow in your region

By submitting I agree to allow Flow to collect, store and process my data, as per the Privacy Policy

See how Flow can work for you

Automated property ads, shown everywhere

Flow automatically turns your property listings and agent profiles into ads displayed across Facebook and Instagram, reaching millions of people daily.

Your property feed will be fully integrated so your listings will automatically update

Automated creative: eXp-approved templates

Choose from 100’s of eXp-branded ad templates to create beautifully crafted agent profile and listing ads, in just a few clicks.

Zero in on exactly the right audiences

Reach exactly the right audiences where they are - effortlessly target buyers, sellers, or tenants by age and gender. Select the exact suburbs where you'd like your ads to be shown, and stay top-of-mind in your operating areas with ease.

Optimised, branded landing pages

Listing and eXp agent branded landing pages automatically generated from your content

Exclusively showing your brand and listings

Keep your competition out! Drive leads to 100% of your property listings

Showcase your sold stock and track record

Instant lead alerts, straight to your phone

Get instant email and SMS lead alerts sent straight to your mobile phone.

Take immediate action with automated, personalised chat responses via Whatsapp

No need to type, copy + paste, or even save contacts to your phonebook

A real-time leads dashboard helps you make informed decisions

Easily monitor performance - See leads, ad views, reach and more from one real-time dashboad with an intuitive, easy-to-use interface

Drawing millions of ad views for fast-growing real estate brokerage eXp South Africa

total ad views
72 832
total listing views
1 426
View case study

“The Flow team have created a tremendous product, the best automated marketing platform on the market. Their professional templates mean that any of our agents can create on-brand ads in no time at all, allowing them to focus on the job at hand - going out and selling property. Their expert analytics and targeting tools enable us to make the most of our social media marketing, generating the best exposure and leads for eXp South Africa.”

Andrew Thompson

eXp South Africa, Managing Broker

Resources For eXp Realtors

Frequently asked questions

Real questions, from real partners